Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Visit to an Ancient Civilization! 6th Grade

If you could go back in time and visit ONE of the ancient civilizations we have learned about so far (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, or Persia) which one would you pick?  Give at least 3 reasons for your choice!  Feel free to agree/disagree with your fellow 6th graders!

Mission-US Game Review-7th

Post your review for the Mission-Us game here.  Give your star rating and give at least 3 specific reasons for your opinion.  Feel free to agree/disagree with your fellow 7th graders!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ancient China - 6th Grade

Which contribution of China do you think is the most important?
Use examples from both Ancient Chinese times and modern times to support your answer.

Use QUASI format to answer this question and remember to put in your first name and period somewhere in the response!

A Taxing King - 7th Grade

Use QUASI to answer the following question:

Why did King George III and Parliament pass so many taxes on the colonists?

(Remember to post your name and period in your response!)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ancient India - 6th Grade

Use QUASI to answer the following question:

Using page 86 from your textbook, which theory do you think is the best explanation for why the Harappan civilization declined and eventually ended?

(Don't forget your first name and period in the response!)

Benjamin Franklin - 7th Grade

Use QUASI format to answer the following question:

Why is Benjamin Franklin considered to be such an important historical figure?

(Don't forget to include your first name and period somewhere in your response!)