Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Black Death

After learning about the Black Death in class, can you think of a more modern example of an illness/disease that  is a threat to our society (think of the whole world, not just America?)  What can be done to prevent this disease from being as deadly as the Black Death?


  1. i think after learning about the black death cancer is almost like it. Cancer claims many lives. i am sure the numbers for cancer deaths are higher that the plauge. this is because we have a cure for the Black Death but not for cancer.
    Brad Heuer Per 10/11 a-day

  2. i think after learning about the black death it seems like poisining because poison can kill too and it seems like it because poison usually has no cure so it is most likely fatal. this is because poison comes in different kinds so there is no certain cure.
    alex barton per 10/11 a-day

  3. Posted by Dan and Cameron Period 10-11 A
    We believe that a disease as deadly as the Black Death would be cancer. Cancer has been taking the world by storm. Although, unlike the Black Death, we can heal cancer. We can prevent it from spreading. If cancer is discovered in a person very early on, the disease can be cured. What we mean by this is you can eliminate all the mutated cells, but you couldn't with the Black Death. Back then, there were no vaccines, medicines, or anti-biotics to cure it, much less stop it from spreading. Nowadays, we are sanitary and clean. In Medieval times, every one was unsanitary. Hopefully cancer will not kill as many people as the Black Death did.

  4. Kierstin and Lizzy 10-11 A
    To prevent these type of diseases as deadly as the Black Death we should get shots or carry a bag of flowers. also, they should take a shower every day and change your clothes often.

  5. Scott Period 10/11A

    Some modern day diseases are like the black death. For example AIDS kills and affects many people all over the world. Also HIV takes many lives each year. Finally POLIO kills many people, not in America, throughout the world each year. To prevent such diseases people can try to find cures for such diseases. They can also donate money to doctors who are trying to find a cure. I hope that one day all of these diseases are wiped out.

  6. I think the Black Death was a disease that the world will try to prevent from happening again but there are still other diseases that take many lives. To prevent those diseases we need to find cures for them. If we find a cure we could prevent it from being as large as the black death. It is better to find cures for deadly diseases so we don't have to worry about those diseases in the future. Not just have cures in America. I think every country should be finding cures for diseases so no country has any big deadly diseases.

    By Michael N 10-11

  7. I think a disease like the Black Death today is emphysema. Although it doesn't spread the same way, smoking companies are tricking young people into buying cigarettes. It may not be as deadly with today's technology, but it still is a major threat.
    Chase Moran, Period 3/4(B)

  8. I believe a disease threatening our world today is emphyzema. It is not an instant killer, but it eventually could kill a victim. The only solution would be to get rid of cigarettes, cigars, etc.
    Kate Bruncati P: 4+6/7 B

  9. We think that the modern disease for the Black Death would be cancer. One reason is that it is basically the same thing. It also affects tons of people. Certain cancers are also hard to survive. Maybe one day we will a cure for all diseases.
    Frankie and Ryan F. 4/7B

  10. I belive that something that is bad like the black death is cancer.Cancer is like the black death because it is taking many lives away.For examle many families have their friends or other family members taken away to the hospital to get treated or to face their death.
    Lilly P:4-7B

  11. I believe that a modern sickness today that is just like the Black Death is the flu/influenza, or the swine flu. It is very contagious, and can kill you just like the Black Death. Some things we can do to stop this is be healthier, and cleaner. By washing your hands you can prevent many sicknesses and diseases. Today, we have more modern medicine and not many people die from infectious diseases. If they had better medicine and doctors back then, the Black Death probably would not have spread so vastly.
    Makara P:4-7B

  12. After learning about Black Death we have decided that cancer is a disease that relates to Black Death. We have decided this because cancer is un-curable so far for most Americans and it's very hard to survive it because we currently have no cure. Cancer also affects tons of people eeverywhere. In addition, cancer spreads all over the body when it infects you. One day i hope that they find a cure for Cancer.
    By Kevin McCarthy and Jack Martin Craffey Period 4-7B

  13. I believe a disease threatening our world today is emphysema. It is not an instant killer, but it eventually could kill a victim. The only solution would be to get rid of cigarettes, cigars, etc. And that emphysema can damage your brain from the smoke of the cigars and cigarettes.
    By:Tessa Kearney Period 4-7B

  14. After learning about the Black Death in class a more modern example of an illness/disease that is a threat to our society is cancer. Cancer is taking a lot of lives just as the Black Death did. To try and prevent yourself from getting cancer you should wear sunscreen, don't smoke or be near smokers, and more. I hope that someday cancer will be cured.
    Shannon O'Malley period 4-7 B

  15. After learning about the black death i realized that we have cancer and its just as bad. People die from cancer amoslt every day. People were dieing amolst every hour. I hope that cancer nevor gets as bad.
    Nikita period 10/11

  16. Lizzy&Kierstin P:10/11 A
    To prevent these type of diseases as deadly as the Black Death we should get shots or carry a bag of flowers. also, they should take a shower every day and change your clothes often.Its kind of like cancer. People dies every hour of the day. And many people lost there family,and syaing goodbye to there family could even effect them so they didnt,all the time.

  17. I belive that the modern sickness today is cancer. Cancer and the Black Death have both claimed and taken many lives. Unlike what they did with the Black Death is with Cancer we are doing fundraisers to help find a cure which they did not do for the Black Death but they eventually stopped it.
    By Krista period 4-7B

  18. the black death was a very serious disease it was also a very deadly disease it made a part of your skin bulk up and turn black and you would have only a week to live it was very rare that you lived from this the chances of living were 1 to 1,000,000,000 so you really mostly died there was no cure back then but i think that we could find one in this time period
    Ryan S
