Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Advice for Jamestown Settlers

If you could go back in time and give advice to the Jamestown settlers, what THREE pieces of advice would you give them and WHY?  Give FACTS to support your answer!


  1. The three pieces of advice I would give the settlers is to follow what John Smith said, so that they don't go into the Starving time. Also, don't treat the slaves like dirt so that they will do what you say without a fight breaking out and no N.Y.C fires. The last piece of advice I would give the Settlers would be that don't go off on a tangent for gold. Instead, make houses and get supplies.
    BoninC, period 2-3-A

  2. The colonist did not go through very prosperous times but if they followed my advice they would have. I think they should have came sooner so they could have planted crops. This way they would have more food and they would not go hungry. Also, they should have been nicer to the Natives since they wound up being a big part of trade. I also believe they should have started growing tobacco
    earlier so they had more to trade. Perhaps if they followed my advice they wouldn't of died.
    Bella M period 5-9 A

  3. The Jamestown colonists didn't have a great time while in Jamestown. However, if they'd had my advice, they might have done better! For one, they should've treated the Indians fairly. Second, they should've worked in the fields themselves and not made innocent people work for them just for a different skin color! Thirdly, they should've made more houses and colloected food that would've lasted in the winters of Virginia. If they had my advice, they would be better off then they are now!

  4. ^^^ Katya Nekrassova P 5/9B ^^^

    1. After reading your post, I can say I agree with your opinion. One of your pieces of advice was how, “they should've treated the Indians fairly“. This is a significant point because if they hadn’t made the Indians feel inferior to them in the first place, there would be peace rather than enemies they didn’t need. In addition, the events that occurred afterwards depended on the inequity between them; so, there wouldn’t have been the issue of who worked (potentially as slaves) for people of other skin color if the relationship between them wasn’t as harsh. In conclusion, I agree with your opinion because of the perspective of how rather than a positive relationship occurring, enemies were made instead. ~Sophia Z. 1-2 B

  5. If I were to be able to go back in time I would change three things. I would have treated the Indians better so that they would like the settlers and trade or give them food during the Starving Time. Also, I would have planted the crops sooner without the crops they had no food, and they already treated the Indians poorly, so they wouldn't give them any food. When John Rolfe came with the tobacco seeds everyone was rich and happy. However people starting wanting slaves so they chose African American slaves, so that all started slavery. Lastly I would have been gone looking for gold.Therefore, I believe with my advice not as many people would have died.
    Dylan Oriundo Period 5-9 A

  6. If I could give three pieces of advice to the Jamestown settlers, it would be to planted crops right from the beginning instead of getting gold. Also, they shouldn't have treated the slaves horrible and worked for themselves to teach them to be overall hard workers. Lastly, I think they should have brought women from the beginning instead of having to wait a whole season for the women.

    Tyler Gunther
    Period 2-3 A

  7. I think that if the Jamestown colonists would have listened to some of this advice they would have done a lot better! For example, they should have been nicer to the Indians. MAybe the Indians had some certain techniques and ideas to help them survive longer. They also should have listened more to John Smith. He definitely had a lot of help survival tips. Finally, I think that the colonists of Jamestown should have been nicer to the slaves.
    Sarah W. Period 10-11 A

  8. If I could give three things of advice to the Jamestown settlers I would give the following:
    -Start early on crops when the winter starts to come. If they started earlier with planting than just looking for gold, they could have prevented the starving time.
    -Next, I would give them the advice to bring women earlier. They were very skilled in planting crops.
    -Finally, I would tell them to be nicer to the slaves. If they were nicer to the slaves, the slaves were trying their best, but when they were doing something wrong, the owner can kill them and get away with it.
    Rachel Loining Period 1-2B

  9. If I Could go back in time and give the Jamestown Settlers three pieces of advice, firstly I would of brought women and children instead of waiting that long winter without any families. Secondly, it would to of been stop looking for gold when the worst winter you will ever experience is right around the corner and to start planting sooner. Lastly, I would recommend that you be a lot nicer to the slaves ( or should I say Indians ). If you own a slave, you have no right whatsoever to kill them if they do one little thing wrong.

    Stephen 2-3a

  10. If I could go back in time and give the Jamestown settlers three pieces of advice I would start with telling them to go at another time. The time they went it was the worst drought in 800 years. Also, I would tell them to bring more food. The "Starving Time" which was an extremely bad winter, happened just after John Smith left and they had no foo to survive. Finally, I would tell them to bring women. the first time they came to Jamestown they had brought no women. Without women, reproduction wasn't able to happen and they didn't have a lot of crops, and women were very good at growing crops.

    Ryan M. 5-9B

  11. If I could give advice to the Jamestown settlers it would be, bring women and men. Also to bring lots of food so they wouldn't starve to death Matt L. 2-3a

  12. If I went back in time to give advice to the Jamestown settlers,I think it would have probably helped a lot. First,I would tell them to always make peace with the native tribes,anything can happen and you may need to be nice with them. Second,I would tell them to never have a low supply of food. Winters will get very cold and you can never have enough food-when trying to survive. Finally, my last point of advice would be to use your time wisely. Dont sit around and do nothing. Hunt for food,plant crops,make more shelter,make additional clothing for the winters. That is three points of advice that I think could have helped the Jamestown settlers.

    Lindsay O 5-9 A

  13. If I could give them tips I'd probably give them this. Get a room to put crops in with an open room to help protect from snow and heavy rain. Make rain catchers for extra, somewhat clean, water. And move more Inland due to rough waters and bad land. So in general they could have made better choices.

    Matthew K period 5-9 A-day

  14. I think if the Jamestown settlers should have been nicer to the Indians to benefit from them such as receiving food,and gold.They should have also picked a better time to so they can grow crops and hunt.They should have also listened to john white more he had a lot of survival tips and they did not listen.

    Nicholas D,Mitchell E 1-2 B

  15. The James Town settlers did a lot of things wrong. I could give them an endless list of tips. However if i could only give them a few i would say rethink your whole group of settlers. All of the settlers are gentlemen, there are no people who are willing to work. The settlers just sat there and waited for it to rain gold. In addition back in those days there were certain things that only women knew; therefore, not bringing any was a dumb idea.

    Caleb D. Period 1-2 A day

  16. The three pieces of advice I would give the settlers is to follow what John Smith said, so that they don't go into the Starving time, they should be more friendly with the Natives and they should have protected their crops.
    Joey L.

  17. One advice I would tell the settlers is that they shouldn't waste their time finding gold. Another piece of advice I would give them is that they should befriend the Native Americans. My third piece of advice is that you should bring women, children, farmers, blacksmiths, etc.

    Amy W.
    Period 1/2 B

  18. One piece of advice I would give the Jamestown settlers Iif i could travel back in time would be for them to be nicer to the Indians. Maybe they could learn from hem techniques to survive. Also another piece of advice I would give them would be to bring more food. They traveled during the worst time, it was called the starving time. Finally another piece of advice I would give them would be bring more women to the colony because they were so good at planting crops.

    Miranda Badrick

  19. One piece of advice I would give the Jamestown settlers would be to trade with the Natives. I would say this because the settlers would have more supplies to survive after trading and they would have a peaceful relationship between each other, so they would not have to worry about attacks. Another piece of advice I would give to the settlers would be to not search for gold. I would say this because there was not any gold or silver on Jamestown, so the settlers would be wasting their time. Also, with all of their time devoted to searching for gold, the settlers were not hunting for food which is one of the reasons there was no food during the brutal winter known as the Starving Time. The last piece of advice I would give the settlers would be to travel earlier in the year to Jamestown. I would say this because if they came earlier they would have had more time to plant crops which would give them food for winter when you can not grow crops. Instead the settlers came later in the year and did not have food to plant for the winter.The Jamestown settlers would have been way better off if they had followed my advice.
    Nicole W 5/9 A

  20. If I could go back in time and give the Jamestown Settlers 3 pieces of advice I would say....To make a better relationship with the Powhatans and not have John Smith make it for you! John Smith made peace with the natives so when he left they naturally attacked. The settlers (in my opinion) should have made peace with the Powhatan tribe when John Smith left. The attacks on the Jamestown people, done by the Powhatans, led to the Starving Time. Another piece of advice I would give the settlers would be to bring more food! The settlers came at a bad time for planting crops so they couldn't plant anything. Therefore, the men should have braved up went out made a peace treaty with the Powhatans and the Native Americans would have given them permission to hunt! My final piece of advice is to trade with the Powhatan indians. If the settlers did that they could have traded supplies for food. If they did that then the settlers wouldn't have had to resort to cannibalism during the Starving Time. In conclusion, if the settlers did what I insinuated, they wouldn't have that many hardships.
    Paige S. 5/9A

  21. Wow Paige! What great ideas and suggestions you and your classmates have for the Jamestown settlers. A common thought seems to be for the settlers to try harder at getting along with the Native Americans. In the settlers case, as well as in many cases in life, cooperating and working with people, instead of against them, always seems to produce a positive outcome. What brave people those settlers were though. Traveling to a strange country, not knowing the people, and unfamiliar with the enviroment-- I don't think I could have done that!
    Amy Smith (Paige's mom)5-9A

    1. Thanks for your reply, Mrs. Smith!!

    2. Thanks for your reply, Mrs. Smith!!

  22. If I could go back in time and give the settlers advice I tell them to come earlier so the had time to plant food and harvest. Unlike they originally did.

    Victoria C 5/9 B

  23. If I could go back and give the Jamestown settlers some advice I would say you should have came at a earlier time. They should have came earlier so they can plant crops, instead they decided to find gold. Next, I would say be nicer to your slaves because if your so harsh to them they are not going to want to do any of the work they need to do. And lastly I would say you should have brought woman and children. The woman could do work round the house and the men and children could plant the crops

    Catherine H 2/3 A

  24. I would tell Jamestown settlers that maybe they should get more women into their town. They would be able to in crease their population, Only if they had females. Also, i would have recommended to find another location for their town, as this was very damp and above a swamp. Lastly, I would inform them that if they would stop concentrating on finding gold and silver, They could get a lot more food and gotten more supplies for actually living.

  25. I would tell Jamestown settlers that they should get more women into town. There population would increase if they had females. Also, i would recommend to find a different location for their town as it was a damp and above a swamp. I would inform them that if they would stop concentrating on finding gold and silver they would have more food and would have a large amount of supplies.
    Liam November, 15, 1:54 PM

  26. If I was able to go back in time and give the Jamestown settlers advice, I would tell them these three things. One piece of advice would be to have brought more farmers so that they could’ve grown crops. This would’ve prevented The Starving Time. Another piece of advice for the Jamestown settlers would be to have attempted to make peace with the natives. Then the Jamestown settlers wouldn’t of had to be afraid of possible Indian attacks and the natives could of helped the settlers get food and grow crops. My last piece of advice for the Jamestown settlers would be to have brought women with them on their first trip to Jamestown. Then they could’ve had women help grow crops, take care of the homes and help out in other ways. This is my advice for the Jamestown settlers. If only they had thought about doing these things, the colony of Jamestown wouldn’t have been a disaster.

    -Emily Adamo 1/2B

  27. If I could go back in time and give the Jamestown settlers advice, I would tell them that they should develop a good relationship with the natives. The natives could have provided them with food, and if they had a good relationship with them they wouldn't have to fear attacks. Secondly, I would suggest that they bring not just gentlemen but farmers. I would give this piece of advice because if you were to just bring gentlemen, you wouldn't have food to last through the winter, and they would be to focused on finding gold to farm. And the last piece of advice would give to the settlers is to come earlier in the year so they have more time to farm and harvest for the winter.
    Mary Claire Kelty 1-2 B

  28. If I were to give advice to the early Jamestown settlers I would tell them to be prepared of what America has to offer. For example, the settlers arrived at Virginia during a very cold time. THerefore they should of came with more supplies so that they weren't so hungry. They also mad e a mistake with the nearby Natives. They were nice to them then mean then nice then mean again. Therefore, the natives couldn't trust them. Also, I would bring women and farmers because most of the first settlers arrived for gold and were gentlemen and didn't know how to live by themselves.

    Gabrielle Liberatore 1-2B

  29. If I could go back in time to Jamestown the three tips I would give to the Jamestown settlers would be to 1. not go looking for gold. They wouldn't even know where to dig and they need houses more then they need gold. 2. I would also tell them to not fight with the Indians. Only John White could talk to them so when he was hurt the Indians kept attacking the rest of the settlers.3. Have lots of farmers.There were too many gentlemen who didn't want to work.
    Maddie Ahl 10-11 B

  30. Three pieces of advice that I would give the Jamestown settlers are as the following. One make sure you have a sustainable amount of food for a really long amount of time so you don't starve. Second, make good relationships with the natives so if you ever do starve or you need shelter you can always go to the natives. Thirdly, treat your slaves nicely because they could help you in the worst of times.
    Miles E.

  31. If I could go back in time and give three pieces of advice to the Jamestown settlers, it would be go a few months later, plant crops as soon as you get to the New Land, and not to just sit around but actually do work. I’d tell them to go a few months later, because then they would go in the spring. If they went in the spring, they would’ve been able to plant more crops and not lose ¾ or maybe more of their colony to starvation over the winter. I would tell them to plant crops as soon as they got to the New World because if they were to go in the spring, it would be the perfect season to polant crops so they would have enough through all of the months, and they could plant different things for the different seasons. Finally, I would tell the Jamestown settlers to actually do work because the settlers of Jamestown didn’t do anything, which caused many to starve. They didn’t plant crops, so they weren’t prepared for the long, cold winter, and many starved. The Jamestown settlers could’ve used some advice, and I think this would’ve helped them survive a lot better.
    Sofia T, Period 1-2 B

  32. If I were to go back in time and give advice to the Jametown settlers they would be thankful for what I would have to say. I would tell them they should of noticed what the Indians were doing and attack them so they could have more people survive. Also, I would tell them to of never went right before winter but in late Winter or Early Spring. Finally, the last piece of advice I would give to the Jamestown settlers would be to of never let John Smith leave because with him there would of never been a starving time.

    Jacob A.
    Period 5/9 B

  33. If i went back in time and went to Jamestown the advice i would say was to get as much food before winter comes, try not to trust other people to give you food, and get as much fur to stay warm in the winter. That is the advice i would give the people of Jamestown.
    John L.
    Period 10/11/A
